The Beginning

As an all-female theatre company we wanted to enhance this factor, however we did not want to exclude males from future performances. As a theatre company, we wanted to focus our productions on fairy tales. Although we wanted to give them a modern or unusual twist. Once we had decided this to be our theme we had to figure out a name for the company. We chose the name “Twisted Ivy.” We decided this many for a few reasons. As we wanted to put a different spin/twist onto well-known fairy tales we thought the word “Twisted” was appropriate. We then decided on “Ivy” as it is often used in fairy tales. With much deliberation we decided to call ourselves “Twisted Ivy Productions.”

Following this we had to write our manifesto. In this we wanted to include who we were, the ideas we wanted to convey in our performances and how we create our work, through devising or adapting. Below is our final mission statement:

We are Twisted Ivy Productions, a theatre company run by an all-female team. Although we are a female run company we are not exclusive to an all-female cast, we invite male actors into our performances. We have a bold approach to giving classic ideas a dark, alternative twist to evoke thought on important matters.

As a company of devising artists, our work progresses through discussion, improvisation and writing. By combining movement, fun, comedy and everyday objects, we give sensitive issues a new edge.

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